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Mental Illnesses

Anxiety. Dementia. ï»¿Bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia. Obsessive compulsive disorder. Alzheimer's Disease. Autism. Insomnia.​ Panic Attacks. Paranoia. Suicide. Sleeping Disorders. Stress. Tourette's.


​Is this you?


As these illnesses are not necessarily visible people do not always realise they are there. This site is to raise awareness hat not every disability is physical. We want more shops, more public facilities, more employers to step up and do something to increase the awareness of the disability act.


For a full list of mental illness, please follow the link below.


Through this site, we are trying to make people more aware of mental illness. Mental illness can affect your whole life, whether it be family life, occupation, how well you did at school, what you eat, how you eat, how you sleep and so much more. But how many people actually realise this. 

Shop assistants. Employers. Teachers. Are they really aware of the equality act?


Stephen Fry has suffered from a mental illness from a very young age. However, he wasn't actually diagnosed until he was 37 years old. He has struggled with manic depression/ bi- polar disorder throughout his career, including whilst filming Q.I episodes for the BBC. But he hasn't let his diagnosis stop him and so even though at times he was feeling like he had hit rock bottom, he still fights on through.

The star, along with the BBC decided to make a television program to help people understand what it is like to live with manic depression. The show, The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive, can be found online.

Stephen Fry is currently the president of the mental illness charity, Mind, and has been since September 21 2011.

Stephen speaks out... follow the link below to read the article.

You are not alone. Each day, people with mental illnesses do amazing things. They do not let their 'label' stop them. Here is a list of these people.

*Mel Gibson has Bi- Polar.

*Brooke Shields has postpartum depression.

*John Nash has paranoid schizophrenia,

*Virginia Woolf had depression.

*Carrie Fisher has bipolar disorder.

*Emma Thompson had depression.

*Herschel Walker has dissociation identity disorder.

*Michael Phelps has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

*Howard Hughes had obsessive compulsive disorder.

*Paula Deen has trouble with panic attacks and agoraphobia.

*Elton John had Bulimia.

*Margot Kidder manic depression and paranoia.

*Sinead O'Connor suffered from bipolar disorder.

*Kurt Cobain had attention deficit disorder, then later with bipolar disorder.


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