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Health Issues

​For the past four years I have suffered from a skin disorder that results in my body having uncontrollable flare-ups. This leaves me being very sore, red and swollen. I have taken this as a part of my life but it has definitley come with some challenges, especially in the work place.


Acessibilitly for Disability is a group that has been set up to help those with disabilities and health issues in the work place. As a group all of us expect and hope that everyone is treated equally in the work place but the problem is that this doesn't always happen.


As a group we want to help each and every one of you to be comfortable with your disability in the work place and be able to give you guidance and advice on being recognised as a valid member of the work force.


We hope we can help you.


Health and Disorders

Team Leader.

To help get the most advice and guidance we thought it would be best to give you some helpful forums that offer you advice. 

If you have any favourites feel free to drop us a line on our Facebook, or Twitter. 

​ - Mind.Org - UncommonForum - MedHelp - OCD UK

Useful Links

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